Wednesday, February 27, 2008


ARGHH....Work is killing me, fuck it's so tiring answering phone calls and especially when you get some calls from some fucking dumb and stupid people. Example number one :

Me:'' Hello good morning, XXX bank how may I assist you?
Stupid fuck: '' oh I would like to check on my outstanding balance, how much ar ? ''
Me: '' Alright, a moment please. I would need to do some verification first, can I have your IC number ? ''
Stupid fuck: '' S123456D''
Me: '' What about your mother's madien name?''
Stupid fuc: '' har?! what name ar? ''
Me:'' Your mother's madien name sir''
Stupid fuck: '' har ?! I got write meh?! Anyway my mother die already''

What's this man ?!?! WTH ? Why is this person so stupid ?!?! What's wrong with him?? LOL -_-''
Example no.2 :
Me:'' Hello good morning, XXX bank how may I assist you?
Stupid fuck 2: '' why I got this fee ar....$240 leh .. why ar ? I dont know lehh there write Card Annual Fee leh... what ar ? ''
Me: '' oh Sir, it's your card's annual fee''
Stupid fuck2: '' But I never use leh why I need to pay ar ? I never use then need to pay annual fee like that I dont want la har? why your bank like that one ? I never use leh har ? har ? ''
Me:'' oh for your information, the annual fee will be charged every year. If you did not use the card there will still be an annual fee sir ''
Stupid fuck2:''wahh like that one ar why why why like that ar, how wahhh you all ar why I dont know why har ? I dont want to pay. You all ar... why other bank dont have har har why why''
Me: '' Alright I will put up a waiver for you so just ingore this current statment''
Stupid fuck2: ''why $240 you tell me then now you say no need to pay har why? why like that har ? you all ar ''.............. and so on he go on for like 10 mins talking nagging nonsense...

Wth is this? oh god I can't believe there are such fuckers out there, I seriously don't know what's their problem, what's wrong with all these people? What's wrong with them? Are they dumb or dumb? Sighhh I pitty them...

Haha, enough of my complains. Alright, what I've learnt is that Money is the root of all evil, but money makes the world goes round too ! LOL hahaahah....

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